Thursday, May 28, 2009

On the road to Patzcuaro 2009

Back to the rooftop blog one year later. Much has happened during the past year but enough about that. During the last two weeks, we have survived strep throat, spider bites, torrential rainstorms, and gigantic mosquitos just trying to make it back to our safe haven in Mexico. And as is customary on Brawner road trips, just as we finished packing, our dogs ran off. Sick to death of waiting on us, they decided to run to Patzcuaro. Luckily they came to their senses, and came home after about an hour, soaking wet and full of cuckle burrs...ready to ride. Nashville to Locust Bayou to San Antonio to Matehuala to Patzcuaro. Four scenic days on the road, we made it here with no drama and much beauty. Let the summer begin!