Friday, June 26, 2009


Back from the Friday market with a replacement flower pot, a cool dark rose, a climbing something, avocados, cilantro, and fresh, hot tortillas. And a plastic bag full of used (cucharas) spoons. Yeah! Thanks to our recent guests, now I'm looking down for inspiration instead of up. Amazing what you can find down there. Of course there's the usual dirt, rocks, candy wrappers and bottle caps, but also, TONS of plastic spoons. Which is pretty telling I guess; Patzcuaro's famous for its nieves (ice cream), and everyone around here has a powerful sweet tooth (which probably accounts for the alarming number of dentist offices in town). It's definitely a great place to graze. Seems every few steps one is tempted by gigantic sugar wafers or sugared peanuts or foot-long crueller-like donuts or amazing ice cream served in little upside down hat-like wafers or cotton candy or flavored ices or sugar cookies filled with jam. There must be fifty panaderias (bakeries) in this town. Two seconds ago a man walked down our street yelling: "FRESAS CON CREMA, DAMNIT!" (strawberries & cream. He didn't really say damnit). He carried two woven straw baskets full of the wonderfulness but I wasn't tempted. And this morning the popsicle girl kept ringing her jingley-jangley bells outside my window at 10am. Wasn't exactly Pop Goes the Weasel, but maybe our dirty little street really is paradise.