Wednesday, July 8, 2009
¡Más cucharas!
Si, more spoons. I got a whole bunch of 'em now, and I may just glue them into and all over my sketchbook. The neighbors must think I'm crazy or really lucky to be finding so much money in the streets. I swear, I've got the whole town looking down for gold and silver. Ha. Funny thing about collecting, you start to get really picky. Last week I would pick up just any ol' filthy little spoon, but now I'm all sophisticated-like…leaving the ordinary to disappear into the dust forever run over by collectivos, firewood-laden horses, and vintage VWs, forgotten…choosing only the best, most bent, smashed, twisted and colorful. White is nice but you can't beat color, and every now and then, a rubberband surprises.
Worked all day in the studio. Commercial gigs are upon me, but I did make a little book dummy for Clutch y Frenos. All this technology available to me in my modest studio only to discover that stone requires cheap photocopies for a proper transfer. Something to do with chemistry and bad ink being better than good. So I walked down to Plaza Grande to a copy center/internet cafe. A lovely woman asked someone behind me if they needed "copias." I turned around and saw no one. Embarassed, I quickly realized her eyes wandered every which way, over and around me, but not at me. So she proceeded to make some off-centered, crooked copies for me. Walked across the street to buy 14 pesos worth of mango ice cream in a tiny plastic cup and ate it sitting on a stone bench with a clean white spoon. Rico!
Tomorrow, I'm transferring childhood imagery and collageness to a beautiful stone surface, then I have about two days to screw it up. Scribble, scribble, scribble. I think my book needs more Angel's Trumpet. Sent my type off today to have screens burned for the cover, etc. Hopefully, I'll come home with some finished nonsense books that measure about 6in x 6ft. We'll see.