Thursday, July 30, 2009

mi libro

Don't quite know where to begin but I did see some nuns' drawers today drying on a line, in the middle of a beautiful garden. And some things that resembled bras and stockings. My mind was confused trying to process all that my eyes were digesting. Seemed funny at the time but in a weird way I wanted to confess. Long story short, we visited our friend Richard today; he has a few nuns residing at his beautiful home for a week or so. They were out doing God's work while we relaxed. Backing up a bit, I finished my book of nonsense. Derli invited us to his home in Morelia the other day to screenprint the cover and glue up a finished book. Great experience. Saw his extraordinary collection of Pre-Columbian artifacts, art, and limited edition artist books (printed while he worked for Brighton Press in San Diego). I've never felt more privileged to be working with such an accomplished artist. Derli Romero is a brilliant painter, printmaker, book artist, and now...a friend. Wow, wow, wow, and he bought us lunch at a cool little Chinese place near the university. The complete edition of 20 books will be produced at the Jesuita by October, but I'm bringing ONE home this weekend. Yeah!

Spent most of today attacking our garden— planting, pruning, potting—preparing for our return home. Ran around town picking up gifts for friends and family, including stone elephants, coffee, oil cloth, plastic bags featuring the Virgin de Guadalupe, lemon liqueur, cigars, and mescal from Oponguio. Hit the garden again, then ran a couple of plants over to friends. By the way, our street's being recobbled...hooray! Our dirty little street should be beautiful in three months, freshly cobbled with new sidewalks. Just in time for Dias de los Muertos. Can't wait. More randomness: I saw a guy outside my studio window this morning wrestling a squawking chicken trying to escape from under a piece of cardboard covering a plastic box tied to the back of his bicycle. Good times. We were planning on heading north tomorrow morning, but with the storms and all, maybe we'll leave on Saturday instead.